How much does a can of beer weigh & case of beer weigh

by Dane Wilson | Last Updated: March 26, 2021

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How much does a can of beer weigh_Sound Brewery

So you need to know how much beer you can pack right? Not so worried about space, you’re left wondering how much does each can of beer weigh – or even how much does a case of beer weigh.

Don’t worry brewing brother – we have you covered.

How much does a 12 oz bottle of beer weigh?

If we’re talking about beer you’ve bottled, assuming a 12 oz glass bottle, the weight of each beer is 20 0z approximately.

How much does a 12 oz can of beer weigh?

A 12 oz can of beer comes in at 12.5 oz give or take – of course, I’m assuming you’ve canned your home brew and you’ve not defected to packing store-bought beers for your trip…

How much does a 16 oz can of beer weigh?

A 16oz beer can weigh 16.5 oz approximately – but those figures change depending on the brand.

How much does a case of beer weigh?

Assuming it’s a 24 pack of 12 oz beers the case should weigh just less than 19 lbs

I’ll add some more handy weights and measures as they come up!

How much does a can of beer weigh_Sound Brewery