Why Was Coors Beer Illegal East Of Texas?

Real History Of Coors Bootlegging

Coors has a reputation for historically being illegal in various parts of America. This is often as a result of the film “Smokey And The Bandit” which starred Burt Reynolds and Sally Field. 

Coors had become a favorite of many beer fans east of Texas. But it never ended up crossing states to east of Texas. This prompted smugglers to begin smuggling it across state lines into certain states where it was unavailable.

It wasn’t illegal to possess and drink Coors. However, it was not legal to sell it or distribute it within these regions.

This is because these states did issue alcohol permits and indeed Coors did not pursue them.

Coors was an unpasteurized beer. Beers like Coors used to be required constant re-frigeration.

Prior to the 1970s

Coors initially only sort to distribute their beer to locations within shorter distances - but not east of Texas.